ד"ר שמעון רוזביץ
קורות חיים
1.1 Privatization - Public Enterprises In Israel And Abroad. With S. Ekstein And B.Z. Zilberfarb. Bar-Ilan University Press, (Hebrew), 1998. 1.2 Internal Audit (with M. Yarony and Y. Bua) Edited by the Michlala Leminhal, 1980 (Hebrew).
2.1 "Trends In The Education Budget Of Israel In The 1980s". A Joint Project Of The Jerusalem Center For Public Affairs And The Foundations Of The Milken Families. Published By The Institute For The Study Of Educational Systems, 1993, 100 Pages. 2.2 This Monograph Was Also Published In Hebrew In Another Version.
3.1 "Audit In Local Government". The Seventh Conference Of Local Government, 1980, (With C. Kalchheim.) 3.2 "Internal Audit-Planning and Performance." Hamevaker hapnimi, 67, 1980, pp. 98-108 (Hebrew) 3.3 "The Political Business Cycle In Israeli Local Government". Economic Quarterly, 124, Dec. 1984 Pp. 469-475. 3.4 "Municipal Government Budget: The Influence Of Elections". Economic Quarterly, 127, Dec. 1984 Pp. 435-440. 3.5 "Using Break-Even-Point for Making Decisions," Hamevaker hapnimi, 72, 1984, pp. 19-26 (Hebrew) 3.6 "Political Business Cycle - A Study Of Municipalities Annual Deflicits". Economic Quarterly, 133, Sep. 1987 Pp. 170-178 (Hebrew). 3.7 "Analyzing of Financial Statements for Internal Audit" Hamevaker hapnimi, 1989 (Hebrew) 3.8 "The Accounting Procedures Of Local Municipal Authorities In Israel". Roea Hahesbon, 360, 1989, Pp. 119-124. (Hebrew). 3.9 Print of "Jerusalem Center of Public Affairs" (with Z. Marom), 1988, 26 pages, Primary revison to the article that was published by Ombudsman Journal. 3.10 "Israeli Public Administration As Reflected In Citizen's Complaints". Ombudsman Journal, No. 8, 1989, Pp. 71-93. (With Z. Marom) 3.11 Deficits In Local Government Budgets In Israel". Public Budgeting And Finance, Vol. 10, 1990, Pp. 67-77. (With C. Kalchheim) 3.12 "Control on Budgeting for Decision-Making," Hamevaker hapnimi, 1990, pp. 120-124 (Hebrew) 3.13 "Economic and Elections in Israel", Published by Institute of Local Govrenment, Bar-Ilan University, 1989 pp. 1-13 (Henrew) 3.14 "Municipal Decision-Making Through Analysis Of Financial Reports". Economic Quarterly, 145. Aug. 1990 Pp. 185-193. 3.15 "The Economic Stabilization Plan Of Israel - The Aspect Of Auditing". Iunim In State Comptroller , No 45, 1990, Pp. 33-43 (With A. Fridberg), (Hebrew) 3.16 "State Audit Views: Three Digit Inflation". Asian Journal Of Govermnet Audit Association, 1990, Pp.22-31 (With A. Fridberg) 3.17 "Audit In The Public Sector In Israel". The Institute Of Certified Public Accountants In Israel". 1991 Yearbook, (With A. Fridberg) pp 99-104 3.18 "Possible Influencing Factors On The Cost Of Issue Of Capital To The Public". Quarterly Banking Reveiw", 1992, Pp. 108-115 (With B.Z. Gal) (Hebrew) 3.19 "The Financing Of Election And Parties". In Israel At The Polls, 1989, D. Elazar And S. Sendler (Eds.). Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1992, Pp. 231-250. (With C. Kalecheim) 3.20 "The 1989 Local Elections". In Israel At The Polls, 1989, D. Elazar And S. Sendler (Eds.). Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1992, Pp. 213-230. (With C. Kalecheim) 3.21 "Problems Of Accounting Methods Applied By Local Authorities In Israel". Roea Hahesbon, 383, 1993, Pp. 17-20. (Hebrew). 3.22 "Understanding Governmental Participation In Municipal Spending In Israel - Is Politcs An Issue ?". Public Choice, Aug. 1993, Pp.335-346. (With A. Weiss), 3.23 "Political Considerations In Government Grants To Local Government". Economic Quarterly, Aug. 1993 Pp. 207-219 (With A. Weiss And A. Schnitzer) (Hebrew). 3.24 "Problems In The Financial Budjeting of The Bnei-Brak Municipality, 1993, pp. 52, Edited and published by Aman consult company (With A. Hecht). (Hebrew). 3.25 "Privatization Of Government Enterprises In Israel - A Review And Evaluation For The Future". Economic Quarterly, Aug. 1993 Pp. 31-47 (With S. Ekstein And B.Z. Zilberfarb) (Hebrew). 3.26 "Privatization In Israel: Constraints And Impacts". (With S. Ekstein And B.Z. Zilberfarb), In Privatization Constraints And Impacts, Edited By V.V. Ramanadham, 1993. Routledge, London and New York. 3.27 "Expenditures Of Management In Local Government". In City And Region, (With M. Gabai And J. Deutsch). 1994, Pp. 167-171. 3.28 "Privatization In Israel: Constraints And Impacts". (With S. Ekstein And B.Z. Zilberfarb), 1993. pp.18 Disscion Paper. Was presented at the 6 expert group meeting, knited National, Development program, Geneva, Aug 17-21 1992. 3.29 "Financial Report In Non-Profit Organizations", Edited by Ministry of Finance, Jerusalem, March 1995, Report of committee of C.P.A. and Ministry of Finance. 3.30 "Privatization and the Public Exchequer in Israel", Bar-Ilan University, (With S. Exkstein and B.Z. Zilberfarb) 1996, pp.1-29. 3.31 "Economy in Periods of Elections in Local Government in Israel", Iunim in State Controller, vol. 57, (With S. Amrany) 1997, pp. 62-73 (Hebrew) 3.32 "The Gap of Expection in Local Elections".(With Z. Haimon), Roeh Hesbon, 1998, pp. 775-779 (Hebrew) 3.33 "Local Government in the Audit of the the State Comptroller of Israel , chapter in a book edited by the Ministry of Interior, 1999 pp. 187-194 (Hebrew). 3.34 Problems in Budgeting in Local Government Elections - 1998", chapter in a book of the local elections in Israel - 1998, edited by Barichta and Pedazur, (With S. Amrany), 2000, pp. 161-183 edited by Ramot Press, Tel-Aviv University (Hebrew).
"Privatization in the Public Sector" (With S. Eckstein and B.Z.Zilberfarb). "Privatization in the Water Sector" (With S. Eckstein) Perliminary Report has been given to the Ministry of Agriculture. Another offer of the reaserch ""Privatization in the Water Sector" was presented to the Ministry of Agriculture, With S. Eckstein and Y. Rosenberg."Problems in Future Expenditure in Accounting" (With B.Z. Gal).
"Iunim in Economics". Paper on Political Considerations in Government Grants to Local Government (With A. Wiess and A. Schnitzer), 1991. "Privatization in the Public Sector" (With S. Eckstein and B.Z.Zilberfarb), 1991. "The Problems of the Trends in Local Government Finance" was presented at the conference of Urban Problems, Tel-Aviv University, 1992. (With D. Chemansky). "Political Considerations in Governmental Grants to Municipalities in Israel", Israel Economic Association Meetings, Decembr 1991, (With A. Schnitzer and A. Weiss) "The Privatization of Government Companies in Israel - History and Future Prospects", Meetings of the Israeli Economic Association, Tel-Aviv, December 1991 (With S. Eckstein and B.Z.Zilberfarb). "Problems in Financing Political Parties", Presented in the conference of political science, University of Jerusalem, 1998, (With Z.Haimon). "Local Welfare Expenditure in the Context of Central / Local Government Relations in Israel", Institute for Research on Business and Work Life Issues, Sweden (With C. Kalcheim), 1994. "Privatization in Israel Achievements and Impediments" Presented in an International Seminar, Israel, 1996 (With S. Eckstein and B.Z.Zilberfarb).
"The municipal Planning and the Fiscal of Local Government in Israel: Constraints and Opportunities" Bar-Ilan University , December 2003 (With A. Carmeli) "The Israeli Local Government Toward 21st century", Bar-Ilan University , March 2001 (With A. Carmeli) |
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 18/10/2018