Universal Basic Income: Inspecting the Mechanisms
Yaniv Yedid-Levi
15/05/2023 - 12:30 - 11:00Add To Calendar
2023-05-15 11:00:00
2023-05-15 12:30:00
Universal Basic Income: Inspecting the Mechanisms
We consider the aggregate and distributional impact of Universal Basic Income (UBI). We develop a model to study a wide range of UBI programs and financing schemes and to highlight the key mech-anisms behind their impact. The most crucial channel is the rise in distortionary taxation (required to fund UBI) on labor force participation. Second in importance is the decline in self-insurance due to the
insurance UBI provides, resulting in lower aggregate capital. Third, UBI creates a positive income effect
lowering labor force participation. Alternative tax-transfer schemes mitigate the impact on labor force
participation and the cost of UBI.
Economics Building (Number 504). Room 011
אוניברסיטת בר-אילן - המחלקה לכלכלה
Economics Building (Number 504). Room 011
We consider the aggregate and distributional impact of Universal Basic Income (UBI). We develop a model to study a wide range of UBI programs and financing schemes and to highlight the key mech-anisms behind their impact. The most crucial channel is the rise in distortionary taxation (required to fund UBI) on labor force participation. Second in importance is the decline in self-insurance due to the
insurance UBI provides, resulting in lower aggregate capital. Third, UBI creates a positive income effect
lowering labor force participation. Alternative tax-transfer schemes mitigate the impact on labor force
participation and the cost of UBI.
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 03/04/2023