Cracking the Uniqueness of Birth Fertility in Israel

Eliran Tchernobilsky
22/11/2021 - 10:00 - 08:30Add To Calendar 2021-11-22 08:30:00 2021-11-22 10:00:00 Cracking the Uniqueness of Birth Fertility in Israel Israel is currently characterized by the highest birth rate in the West. Moreover, in recent years and contrary to the trends in most countries around the world, Israel has even experienced an increase in fertility. In light of this, examining the phenomenon in Israel through focusing on the main economic factors that likely influence fertility decisions, will be useful in assessing their validity in the local case and may allow a generalization to a broader set of countries (Western countries and in general). Therefore, my goal in this study is to try to understand the determinants of birth fertility in Israel, focusing on the influence of social norms and cultural contexts, which is counter to standard economic models. Seminar Room, Department of Economics (504/011) אוניברסיטת בר-אילן - המחלקה לכלכלה Asia/Jerusalem public
Seminar Room, Department of Economics (504/011)
Bar-Ilan University

Israel is currently characterized by the highest birth rate in the West. Moreover, in recent years and contrary to the trends in most countries around the world, Israel has even experienced an increase in fertility. In light of this, examining the phenomenon in Israel through focusing on the main economic factors that likely influence fertility decisions, will be useful in assessing their validity in the local case and may allow a generalization to a broader set of countries (Western countries and in general). Therefore, my goal in this study is to try to understand the determinants of birth fertility in Israel, focusing on the influence of social norms and cultural contexts, which is counter to standard economic models.

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תאריך עדכון אחרון : 18/11/2021