Sampling Dynamics and Stable mixing in Hawk-Dove games

Yuval Heller
08/06/2021 - 12:45 - 11:45Add To Calendar 2021-06-08 11:45:00 2021-06-08 12:45:00 Sampling Dynamics and Stable mixing in Hawk-Dove games Joint with Srinivas Arigapudi and Amnon Schreiber. The hawk-dove game admits two kinds of equilibria: asymmetric pure equilibria in which players in one population play `hawk' and players in the other population play `dove', and a symmetric mixed equilibrium. The existing literature on dynamic evolutionary models show that populations will converge into playing one of the asymmetric pure equilibria from any initial state. By contrast, we show that under plausible sampling dynamics, in which agents occasionally revise their actions by observing either opponents' behavior or own payoffs in a few past interactions, can induce the opposite result: global convergence to a symmetric mixed equilibrium. To view the seminar recording, click here. Hybrid (BIU Economics lounge room + Location: אוניברסיטת בר-אילן - המחלקה לכלכלה Asia/Jerusalem public
Hybrid (BIU Economics lounge room + Location:

Joint with Srinivas Arigapudi and Amnon Schreiber.

The hawk-dove game admits two kinds of equilibria: asymmetric pure equilibria in which players in one population play `hawk' and players in the other population play `dove', and a symmetric mixed equilibrium. The existing literature on dynamic evolutionary models show that populations will converge into playing one of the asymmetric pure equilibria from any initial state. By contrast, we show that under plausible sampling dynamics, in which agents occasionally revise their actions by observing either opponents' behavior or own payoffs in a few past interactions, can induce the opposite result: global convergence to a symmetric mixed equilibrium.

To view the seminar recording, click here.

תאריך עדכון אחרון : 08/06/2021