Dutiful Behavior: A Model of Moral Sentiments
Dutiful Behavior: A Model of Moral Sentiments
Joint with: Tore Ellingsen
We expand the formal theory of other-regarding preferences to account for dutiful behavior. There are duties of justice and of beneficence. Justice involves rules, while beneficence involves responsibilities. People are heterogeneous along three dimensions, called dutifulness, integrity, and punitiveness. Dutifulness determines conscious pursuit of duties. Integrity limits unconscious self-deception about one’s duties. Punitiveness determines resentment and punishment of others that violate their duties. We relate the model’s predictions to an extensive body of data on lying, cooperation, generosity, and reciprocity.
11:30-11:45 - gathering & free talk
11:45-12:45 - research presentation
To view the seminar recording, click here.
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 16/03/2021