Search Games with Asymmetric Information

Yuval Heller
10/12/2019 - 13:00 - 11:30Add To Calendar 2019-12-10 11:30:00 2019-12-10 13:00:00 Search Games with Asymmetric Information (joint with Gilad Bavly and Amnon Schreiber) Abstract: We analyse games in which players search for a hidden prize, where each player has private information regarding the location of the prize. We present conditions on the game’s payoff that are sufficient for the game to admit a socially-optimal equilibrium, and we demonstrate the necessity of these conditions. Next, we present lower bounds for the optimal social payoff that can be obtained in these games. The results have interesting implications for innovation contests and R&D races. Faculty Lounge, Building 504, First Floor אוניברסיטת בר-אילן - המחלקה לכלכלה Asia/Jerusalem public
Faculty Lounge, Building 504, First Floor
Bar-Ilan University

(joint with Gilad Bavly and Amnon Schreiber)

Abstract: We analyse games in which players search for a hidden prize, where each player has private information regarding the location of the prize. We present conditions on the game’s payoff that are sufficient for the game to admit a socially-optimal equilibrium, and we demonstrate the necessity of these conditions. Next, we present lower bounds for the optimal social payoff that can be obtained in these games. The results have interesting implications for innovation contests and R&D races.

תאריך עדכון אחרון : 05/12/2019