Implementation via Transfers with Identical but Unknown Distributions

Antonio Penta
29/04/2019 - 12:30 - 11:10Add To Calendar 2019-04-29 11:10:00 2019-04-29 12:30:00 Implementation via Transfers with Identical but Unknown Distributions Joint with Mariann Ollar (Univ. of Edinburgh). We consider standard mechanism design settings, in which we only maintain it common knowledge that types are identically distributed, but without assuming that the actual distribution is common knowledge, nor that it is known to the designer (common knowledge of identicality). Under these assumptions, we explore problems of partial and full implementation, as well as robustness: First, we characterize the transfers which are incentive compatible under the assumption of identicality, and provide necessary and sufficient conditions for partial implementation in these settings. Second, we characterize the transfers which achieve full implementation via direct mechanisms, as well as the conditions on the environment which make it possible. Finally, we study robustness properties of the implementing transfers with respect to mispecifications of both agents beliefs and of their preferences, as well as for implementation based on lower orders of rationality. building 504, seminar room 011. אוניברסיטת בר-אילן - המחלקה לכלכלה Asia/Jerusalem public
building 504, seminar room 011.
ICREA, UPF and Barcelona GSE

Joint with Mariann Ollar (Univ. of Edinburgh).

We consider standard mechanism design settings, in which we only maintain it common knowledge that types are identically distributed, but without assuming that the actual distribution is common knowledge, nor that it is known to the designer (common knowledge of identicality). Under these assumptions, we explore problems of partial and full implementation, as well as robustness: First, we characterize the transfers which are incentive compatible under the assumption of identicality, and provide necessary and sufficient conditions for partial implementation in these settings. Second, we characterize the transfers which achieve full implementation via direct mechanisms, as well as the conditions on the environment which make it possible. Finally, we study robustness properties of the implementing transfers with respect to mispecifications of both agents beliefs and of their preferences, as well as for implementation based on lower orders of rationality.

תאריך עדכון אחרון : 23/04/2019