Attention please!

Jakub Steiner
13/05/2019 - 12:30 - 11:10Add To Calendar 2019-05-13 11:10:00 2019-05-13 12:30:00 Attention please! Link to paper joint with Olivier Gossner, and Colin Stewart. We study the impact of manipulating the attention of a decision-maker who learns sequentially about a number of items before making a choice. Under natural assumptions on the decision-maker’s strategy, forcing attention toward one item increases its likelihood of being chosen.  building 504, seminar room 011. אוניברסיטת בר-אילן - המחלקה לכלכלה Asia/Jerusalem public
building 504, seminar room 011.
CERGE-EI and the University of Zurich

Link to paper

joint with Olivier Gossner, and Colin Stewart.

We study the impact of manipulating the attention of a decision-maker who learns sequentially about a number of items before making a choice. Under natural assumptions on the decision-maker’s strategy, forcing attention toward one item increases its likelihood of being chosen. 

תאריך עדכון אחרון : 30/04/2019