Ph.D. Dissertations

Year Student Advisor
2024 Experimental study of the impact of Behavior groupal incentives and life under continuous threats on economic decisions PhD Asulin Yamit Prof. Yuval Heller
2023 Decision Theory, Finance, Economic Theory PhD Kfir Tshuva Prof. Yuval Heller
2022 Estimation and Inference in Stochastic Unit Root Models, Applied Finance and Macroeconomics PhD Ginker Tim Professor Emeritus Joseph Deutsch
2022 Macroeconomics, Central Banking, Banking Supervision. PhD Frayberg Roi Professor Emeritus Warren Young
2020 Time Series and Panel Data Econometrics, Applied Macroeconomics and Finance PhD Itamar Caspi Prof. Offer Lieberman
2019 Distributional Change and the Measurement of Pro-Middle Class Growth: The Case of Israel PhD Osnat Peled-Levy Professor Emeritus Jacques Silber
2019 Essays on Employment of Mothers with Young Children: the Case of Israel PhD Ella Shachar Professor Emeritus Joel Guttman, Dr. Sarit Goldner
2018 Macroeconomic Forecasts and Information Rigidities PhD Nathan Goldstein Prof. Ben-Zion Zilberfarb
2018 Three Essays on the Measurement of Food Security PhD Meital Izraelov Professor Emeritus Jacques Silber
2017 A Novel Extension of Multinomial Logit for the Estimation of the Outcomes in Multi-Entry Competitions PhD Inessa Zvagelsky Prof. Adi Schnytzer
2017 Collective Decision Making in a Team whose Members’ Skills Depend on States of Nature PhD Tal Patal Prof. Ruth Ben-Yashar, Prof. Eyal Baharad
2017 Ex Post Scoring PhD Assaf Basevitch Prof. Eyal Baharad
2017 The Influence of Employment Incentives for Special Populations on the Individual, the Group, the Firm and the Economy. PhD Amatzia Samkai Professor Emeritus Joseph Deutsch, Dr. Sarit Goldner
2016 Essays on Rents and Public Goods PhD Doron Klunover Professor Emeritus Arye Hillman
2014 Technology, Firm Dynamics and Economic Growth PhD Hadas don-Yehiya Prof. Hillel Rapoport, Professor Emeritus Arthur Fishman
2014 The Effect of the Marriage Market on Education Across Genders - Double Side Matching Structural Model PhD Yogev Michal Professor Emeritus Nava Kahana
2012 Consumer behavior, Economics and Psychology PhD Shevach Avner
2012 Essays on Polarization, The Middle Class and Economic Growth in an Economy in Transition PhD Nissanov Zoya Professor Emeritus Jacques Silber
2012 Financial Markets and Corporate Default PhD Avigail Konikov-Livne
2011 Methods in Measuring Competitive Conduct PhD Sherman Joshua Prof. Avi Weiss, Professor Emeritus Arthur Fishman, Prof. Daniel Levy
2011 Three Essays On The Political Economy Of Economic Development PhD Sultana Rezina Professor Emeritus Arye Hillman, Prof. Hillel Rapoport
2011 Who Will Guard The Guards? Economic And Political Aspects Of Media Bias PhD Pomerantz Renana Prof. Gil S. Epstein
2010 Essays On Health Inequality PhD Adi Lazar Professor Emeritus Jacques Silber, Professor Emeritus Joseph Deutsch
2010 The Persistence Of Ineffective Aid PhD Yariv Welzman Professor Emeritus Arye Hillman, Dr. Leonid V Azarnert
2009 Bureaucracy - Advertisements, Abilities, And Corruption: Reconsideration PhD Fishler, Amichai C. Professor Emeritus Nava Kahana