Professor Emeritus Warren Young

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Research Categories







NYU Polytechnic University, NY



University of Cambridge, England

Academic Affilations/Appointments


Lecturer, Sociology, University of Maryland


Adjunct Lecturer, Economics, Ruppin College, Israel


Lecturer, Sociology of Technology, Holon Institute of Technology, Israel


Visiting Scholar, Economics, University of Cambridge and Wolfson College, Cambridge


Senior Lecturer, Economics, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand


Senior Lecturer, Economics Deakin University, Geelong, Australia


Adjunct Senior Lecturer,  Economics, Ben Gurion University


Associate Professor (tenure track), Economics,

Bar Ilan University


Tenured Associate Professor, Bar Ilan University

Full Professor (as of August 2017)


Visiting Scholar, Tepper School of Business, Carnegie-Mellon University (renewed annually)

Supervision of Graduate Students

M.A. Students

In the past:
  • Tamir Levy, “Compulsory Loans in Israel”, 2000
  • Eli Goldstein, “Essays on Open Economy Macromodels", 2002
  • Shlomi Zidki, "Essays on Consumer Behavior", 2004
  • Amir Hadad, "The Laffer Effect and the Laffer Curve", 2005
  • Sagit Cohen, "The Emergence of the Middle Class". 2008
  • Roi Frayberg, "Central Bank Capture in Times of Crisis", 2010
  • Yossi Grisis, "Essays on Economic Growth", 2012
  • Itay Shilian, "Renewable Energy in Israel", 2015
  • Rafael Ben Hamu, "Wastewater Externalities in Israel", 2015
  • Yonatan Hayun ," Consumption-Savings Behavior in Israel ", 2016
  • Igor Portnoy, "Financial Development and Growth in Israel", 2016

Ph.D Students:

In the past:
  • Yehoshua Amrani (Political Science), Ph.D awarded. Bar Ilan (2004), (joint supervisor with Stuart Cohen, Political Science)
  • Eli Goldstein, , “Market Failure, Regulatory Failure, Myopia and Interes
  • Groups in the Electricity Market", Ph.D awarded, Bar Ilan (2006) (joint supervisor with E. Brezis, Economics)
  • Yaakov Yahav, Ph.D Thesis "Electricity Regulation and Supply Reliability: the case of Israel", Dept. of Industrial Management, Ben Gurion University, joint supervisor with Prof. Gideon Oron] Ph.D awarded, Ben Gurion (2008)
  • Avner Shevach, Ph.D awarded Bar Ilan (2013), "Essays on Conspicuous Consumption and Conspicuous Production
Being Supervised Today:
  • Roi Frayberg "Essays on Central Banking" (proposal approved, 2016)
  • Yonatan Hayun "Essays on Wealth Shocks" (proposal in preparation)
Graduate students Supervision (Post Doctoral)
  • Dr. Leshan Jin  Kort Post-Doctoral Fellow, Bar Ilan, 2001
  • Dr. Guowen Han, Kort Post-Doctoral Fellow, Bar Ilan, 2005



Political Science Fund and Churchill College Grant, Cambridge


Victoria University of Wellington Research Grant, NZ $10,000


Faculty Research Award, VUW, NZ $5000


Reserve Bank of New Zealand Research Grant , NZ$ 10,000


Australian Research Council Grant, A$15,000


 2003 Royal Economic Society Research Grants  1500 Pounds


2003 Internal Research Grants, Bar Ilan University

2014-2017 Tepper School of Business, Dean's Grants , $5000

Courses Taught/Teaching Experience


B.A History of Economic Thought, Israel Economics, Macroeconomics, International Economics


M.A. History of Economic Thought, Macroeconomics

MIT-Bar Ilan Exchange Program Undergraduates supervised

  • Donald Dawkins, Project: "Modigliani-Miller: a history"
  • Stuart Finney, Project: "Sloan School Working Papers in Economics"

Past Research Interersts

  1. History of IS-LM model and Hicksian Economics
  2. History of Open Economy Macroeconomics

Current Main Research Interests

  1. History of Modern Quantitative and "Freshwater" Economics (RBC, RE, CGE, DSGE)
  2. History of Modern Growth Theory Project (with S. Spear, Tepper/CMU)
  3. History of GSIA and Carnegie-Mellon/Tepper School contributions
  4. History of Federal Reserve (Board vs District Banks)
  5. Energy and Resource Economics

Organized Scientific Conference and Sessions (Organizer and Co-Organizer)

PROFESSIONAL FUNCTIONS: (Memberships/Editorial Activities/Keynote in Conference)

  1. Symposia and Book Review Editor , European Journal of Political Economy
  2. Book Review Editor, Journal of International Trade and Economic Development
  3. Editorial Board, Asia-Pacific Journal of Economics and Business
  4. Member: AEA, SEM, HES, EHES
  5. Monetary Dynamics and the Mundell-Fleming Priority Question" (with R. Boyer),
  6. Fordham University Distinguished Seminar Lecture, Feb. 2005
  7. Reviewer and Book Reviewer for: Journal of Monetary Economics, History of Political Economy, Economica, Journal of the History of Economic Thought, European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Bar Ilan University Press, University of Michigan Press

Scientific Conferences and Panels Organized

  1. International Conference: The Open Economy Macromodel- Past, Present and Future, 17-24 June, 2001, Bar Ilan and Ben Gurion Universities, Ed. Conference volume, The Open Economy Macromodel: past, present and future (editor, with Arie Arnon), Kluwer Academic Press/Springer , 2002; ISBN 1-4020-7162-0; 342 pp.
  2. Guggenheim International  Conference : Perspectives on Keynesian Economics, 14-15 July 2009 , Ben Gurion University, Ed. Conference volume, Perspectives on Keynesian Economics (editor, with Arie Arnon and Jimmy Weinblat), Springer, 2010, ISBN 978-3-642-11408-0;  304 pp. Guggenheim
  3. Rational Expectations: Retrospect and Prospect, ASSA/AEA Panel, Jan. 2011 (with Kevin Hoover)  published as "Rational Expectations: Retrospect and Prospect" (with Kevin Hoover), Macroeconomic Dynamics, 17,5, 2013, pp. 1169-1192
  4. Guggenheim International Conference: David Hume after 300 Years, 12-13 Dec. 2011, Ben Gurion University
  5. Real Business Cycles after Three Decades, ASSA/AEA Panel ,  Jan. 2013 (with Sumru Altug)  published as "Real Business Cycles after Three Decades", Macroeconomic Dynamics, 19 ,2, March 2015 pp. 425-445(with Sumru Altug)
  6. Optimal Growth Theory after 50 years, ASSA/AEA Panel   Jan. 2015 (with Steve Spear) in preparation for Macroeconomic Dynamics
  7. Guggenheim  International Conference: Economic Research and Policy at the Federal Reserve,  sole organizer, June 2015, Geneva, International Institute for Economics, University of Geneva, Conference Volume: Federal Reserve Research and Policy Making (editor, with R. McGregor and D. Thornton, Springer, in preparation, 2018)
  8. Guggenheim International Conference: Expectations: Theory and Applications in Historical Perspective, Dec. 2017, Ben Gurion University, organized with Arie Arnon and Karine van der Beek

Last Updated Date : 16/11/2022