Until Last Promotion (Refereed Publications)
Books (As Author)
- Minorities and the Military: a cross-national study in world perspective, Greenwood Press, Westport, Ct. and London,1982, ISBN 0-313-22900-7
- Interpreting Mr Keynes: the IS-LM Enigma Polity-Blackwell, Oxford, England, and Westview Press, USA, 1987,ISBN 0-7456-0405-6; Japanese translation , 1994 published by Taga-Shuppan
- Harrod and his Trade Cycle Group: the origins and development of the growth research program Macmillan, London and New York University Press, USA,1 89, ISBN 0-333-47019-2
- Oxford Economics and Oxford Economists (with Fred Lee) Macmillan, London, 1993; ISBN 0-333-51362-2
Chapters in Books
- "Full Circle on Business Cycles: lessons from the 1920s and 1930s" in Ingrid Rima, ed. The Political Economy of Global Restructuring: vol. II- trade and finance, Elgar Publishing, England, 1993, pp. 13-26 ISBN 1-85278-808
Articles in Refereed Journals
- "Compulsory Loans, Disposable Income, and Quarterly Consumption Behavior in Israel:1964-69"Finanzarchiv 32,1,October 1973,pp.98-115
- "Seasonality, Autoregression, and Exponential Smoothing: the case of economic time series" Metron: international statistical journal (Gini Institute, Rome) 31,1-4,December 1973,pp.1-12
- "Compulsory Loans and Consumption-Savings Behavior: some micro and macro-economic aspects" Public Finance 28,3-4, 1973, pp.333-53
- "Exponential Smoothing, Seasonality and Projection Sensitivity: the case of exports" Bulletin of Economic Research (Yorkshire) 26, 1, May 1974, pp.42-50
- "Tax Illusion and Savings Perception: the case of Compulsory Loans" De Economist 122, 5, September 1974, pp.440-50
- "Alternate Models of Consumption Behavior: a cross-national analysis, the US, UK and Israel,1953-70" Revue Economique 26,1,January 1975, pp.123-34
- "Taxes, Undistributed Corporate Profits and Quarterly Depreciation in Israel:1964-69" American Economist 18, Spring 1975, pp. 77-84 (with J.M.Fisher)
- "The Role of Desired Variables in the Keynesian Ecosystem: a preliminary approach" Annals of Public and Co-operative Economy 46, 3, July-September 1975, pp.213-32
- "Harrod, Keynes and the 'Fundamental Relationship'" Atlantic Economic Journal 3,2,1975 pp.22-26
- "Illusion and Reality in the Labour Market: a reconsideration" Swiss Journal of Political Economy(Schweiz. Zeits.f ur Nation. und Stats) heft 22,1975, pp.191-207
- "Human Resources and Economic Development: manpower, education and the 'Lewis' model in Egypt, 1952-67" Geneva-Africa (Acta Africana-Institute d'etudes du development, Geneva)14,1,1975, pp.78-102
- "Parsimony and Prediction" Metron: international statistical journal 33,3-4,Dec. 1975,pp.209-307
- "Forecast Types and Forecast Techniques: a taxonomic approach" Quality and Quantity : International Journal of Methodology (Elsevier) 10,2,June 1976, pp.165-70
- "The Box-Jenkins Approach to Time Series Analysis and Forecasting" Revue Francaise de Automatique,Information et Recherche Operationnelle (RAIRO) 11,2,May 1977,pp.129-43
- "Teleology and the Technical Progress Function" Konjunkturpolitik 23,2,1977,pp.111-117(with M. Barnett)
- "Classical, Keynesian and Fisherian Unemployment" Quarterly Review of Economics and Business (University of Illinois) 18,1,1978,pp.99-109 (with M.Barnett)
- "Inflation, Unemployment and the Cycle of Economic Activity" Journal of Behavioral Economics(Western Illinois University) 7,2,1978,pp. 27-58 (with M. Barnett)
- "Box-Jenkins Forecasting and Holiday Adjustment of Time Series" Metron 36,3-4,1978,pp.42-56 (with Y. Heit)
- "Agricultural Development and Self-Sufficiency" Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 71,2,1979, pp.76-82
- "The Relationship between Unemployment and Inflation: some new evidence" Atlantic Economic Journal 8,2, 1980, pp.53-58 (with M. Barnett)
- "Patterns of Acceleration in Unemployment in the US and UK, 1900-1975" Konjunkturpolitik 26,1,1980, pp.66-75
- "Time and Concept Formation in Economics: a suggested approach" Journal of Economic Issues 16,1,March 1982, pp.161-180
- "Time, Measurement and Indeterminacy in Economics: a reappraisal" Quality and Quantity 16,1982, pp.455-62
- "Time and Cognition in Economics" Quality and Quantity17,1983 ,pp.151-6
- "The Early Reactions to Value and Capital : critics and critiques and correspondence in comparative perspective" Review of Political Economy 3,3,1991,pp.289-308 [special issue on Hicks]
Books Reviews in Refereed Journals (Less than 10 pages)
- review of G. Baer "Studies in the Social History of Modern Egypt ; M. Kerr The Domestic Background of UAR Foreign Policy ; and B. Hansen Economic Development in Egypt", Journal of Modern African Studies (Cambridge University Press) 1971
- review of B. Littleboy "On Interpreting Keynes: a study in reconciliation" Manchester School, November 1992
Since Last Promotion
Books (As Author)
- Atomic Energy Costing, Kluwer Academic Press/Springer, 1998, ISBN 0-7923 (also in paperback)
- Economics, Economists and Expectations: microfoundations to macroapplications (with William Darity,Jr. and Robert Leeson) Routledge, London and New York, 2004 ISBN 0-415-08515 (also in paperback, 2014)
- Real Business Cycle Models in Economics, Routledge, London, 2014, ISBN 9-780- 415-47569-3 (also in paperback, 2016)
- Time Series Analysis and Adjustment: Measuring, Modeling and Forecasting for Business and Economics, Gower Press/Routledge, London, 2014 ISBN-978-1-4094-4192-1 (with Haim Bleikh)
- The Role of Economic Advisors in Israel's Economic Policy - Crises, Reform and Stabilization (with Daniel Schiffman and Yaron Zelekha) Springer, in Press (2017)
- Foundations of Modern Dynamic Economics: from Turnpikes to Central Banks (with Sumru Altug), World Scientific (2018), under contract
Books (As Editor)
- IS-LM and Modern Macroeconomics (editor, with Ben-Zion Zilberfarb), Kluwer Academic Press/Springer, 2000, ISBN 0-7923-7966-7; 166 pp.
- The Open Economy Macromodel: past, present and future (editor, with Arie Arnon), Kluwer Academic Press, 2002; ISBN 1-4020-7162-0; 342 pp.
- Theories of International Trade, by Adam Klug, edited by Warren Young, with an introduction by Warren Young and Michael Bordo, Routledge, London and New York, 2006, ISBN 0-415-33607-4; 166 pp.
- Perspectives on Keynesian Economics (editor, with Arie Arnon and Jimmy Weinblat), Springer, 2010, ISBN 978-3-642-11408-0; 304 pp.
- Federal Reserve Research and Policy Making (editor, with R. McGregor and D. Thornton, Springer, under contract, in preparation, 2018)
Chapters in Books
- "Involuntary Unemployment", Chapter 2 in G.C. Harcourt and P. Riach, eds. The General Theory: second edition, Routledge, London, 1997, pp. 20-27 (with William Darity)
- "Harrod and Haberler Beyond the Trade Cycle: Exchanges on International Liquidity, Gold, Trade, Inflation, Monetarism, and Friedman, 1961-1971" in G. Rampa, L. Stella and A. P. Thirwall, eds. Economic Dynamics, Trade, and Growth: Essays on Harrodian Themes, Macmillan, London, 1998, pp. 281-298.
- "Is IS-LM a Static and Dynamic Keynesian Model ?", in R. Leeson, ed. Archival Insights into the Evolution of Economics, The Keynesian Tradition, Palgrave-Macmillan, 2008, pp. 126-134
- "Hicks in Reviews, 1932-1989: from Theory of Wages to A Market Theory of Money" Markets, Money and Capital: Hicksian Economics for the 21st Century, R. Scazzieri, A.K. Sen and S. Zamagni, eds. Cambridge University Press, 2008, pp. 109-126
- "The evolution of the Kydland-Prescott research program: transformation, recollections and documents" in R. Leeson, ed. Archival Insights into the Evolution of Economics, The Anti-Keynesian Tradition, New York: Palgrave- Macmillan, 2008, pp. 137-172
- "Mythical Expectations" in R. Leeson, ed. Archival Insights into the Evolution of Economics , The Anti-Keynesian Tradition, New York: Palgrave- Macmillan, 2008, pp. 96-112
- "The Keynesian Revolution and IS-LM; from Enigma to Conundrum" in Young, Arnon, Weinblat, eds., Perspectives on Keynesian Economics, Springer, 2010, pp. 171-180
- "The IS/LM Diagram" in Mark Blaug and Peter Lloyd, eds. Famous Figures and Diagrams in Economics, Edward Elgar Publishers, 2010, pp. 348-355
- "The Mundell-Fleming Diagram" in Mark Blaug and Peter Lloyd, eds. Famous Figures and Diagrams in Economics, Edward Elgar Publishers, 2010 (with Russell Boyer), pp. 356-364
- "Keynes and IS-LM" in R. Dimand, editor, Guide to Keynesian Economics, 2016, Edward Elgar Publishers (forthcoming)
- "Lerner" in R. Cord, editor, The Palgrave Companion to LSE Economics, Palgrave-Macmillan, 2018 (under contract, in preparation, with D. Schiffman and Y. Zelekha)
- "LSE as a Clearinghouse", in R. Cord, editor, The Palgrave Companion to LSE Economics, Palgrave-Macmillan, 2018 (under contract, in preparation)
Articles in Refereed Journals
- "IS-LM: an Inquest" History of Political Economy, 27, 1995, pp. 1-41(with William Darity), reprinted in Sir John Hicks: critical assessments, ed. J. Wood, Routledge, London and New York, 2006
- "Reply to Dimand's "Hawtrey and the Multiplier" History of Political Economy, 29, 3, 1997, pp.556-559 (with William Darity)
- "Reply to Ahiakpor's "Hawtrey and the Multiplier" History of Political Economy,32, 4 2000, 915-918 (with William Darity)
- "Atomic Energy and the Application of Early Models of Technological Change in Economics, 1946-1954" History of Political Economy, 32, 2000, pp. 71-94
- "The Early History of Rational and Implicit Expectations", History of Political Economy, 33, 2001, pp. 773-813 (with William Darity)
- "Water Use in Agriculture in China: importance, challenges, and implications for policy, Water Policy 3, 2001, pp. 215-228 (with L. Jin)
- "Political Culture, Economic Structure and Policy: the Laffont-Tirole Model Extended to Modern Japan", American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 61, 1, 2002 , pp. 301-326 (with J. Meijhaard)
- "The New Views on Demographic Transition: A Reassessment of Malthus and Marx's views on Population" European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 10:1, Spring 2003, pp. 25-45 (with E. Brezis)
- "Atomic Energy: from 'public' to 'private' power- the US, UK and Japan in Comparative Perspective", in 'Nationalisations et denationalisations de l'electricite', Annals Historiques de l'electricite 1, June 2003, pp. 133-153
- "IS-LM-BP: an Inquest" History of Political Economy, 36, 2004, pp. 127-164 (with William Darity)
- "Economists, Government, and Economic Policymaking in Israel: From "Crawling Peg" to "Cold Turkey" , History of Political Economy 37, 2005, pp. 284-305 (with Yakir Plessner)
- "Mundell's International Economics: adaptations and debates", IMF Staff Papers 52 , 2005, pp. 160-179 (with R. Boyer)
- "Negishi's Contributions to the Development of Economic Analysis: research programs and outcomes", International Journal of Economic Theory, 4, 2008, pp. 151-165
- "Rational Expectations: Retrospect and Prospect" (with Kevin Hoover), Macroeconomic Dynamics, 17,5, 2013, pp. 1169-1192
- "Federal Reserve Bank Presidents as Public Intellectuals", History of Political Economy, 45, 2013, pp. 166-190, (with Rob McGregor)
- "Optimum Savings and Optimal Growth: the Cass-Malinvaud-Koopmans Nexus" Macroeconomic Dynamics, 18, 1, 2014, pp. 215-243 (with Stephen Spear)
- "Asymmetric Effects of Monetary Policy on an Emerging Stock Market", International Journal of Monetary Economic and Finance, 7,3, 2014, pp. 192-206 (with G. Han and Y. Wu)
- "Population and Economic Growth: Ancient and Modern" European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 14, 2014 ,pp. 1-27 (with E. Brezis)
- "Two Sector Growth, Optimal Growth and the Turnpike: amalgamation and metamorphosis", Macroeconomic Dynamics, 19, 2, March 2015, pp. 394-424 (with Stephen Spear)
- "Real Business Cycles after Three Decades", Macroeconomic Dynamics, 19 ,2, March 2015 pp. 425-445(with Sumru Altug)
- "Generalizations of Optimal Growth Theory: Stochastic Models, Mathematics, and Meta-Synthesis" Macroeconomic Dynamics, 21, 2, March 2017, pp. 515–544 (with S. Spear)
- "Endogenous Growth Theory and Models: the “First Wave”, 1952–1973", Macroeconomic Dynamics, [published online] 2017 (with S. Spear)
Other Publications (Sociology and Anthropology) and Non Refereed Publications
Papers in Sociology and Anthropology
- "Ibn Khaldun et l'etat Islamique" Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 55,1973, pp.315-20
- "Multidimensionality and Minoriticity" Rivista Di Sociologia(Rome) 28,3,1974, pp.5-42
- "Urbanization and Social Stratification in Ancient Mesopotamia and Palestine" Anthropos 70,1-2,1975,pp.281-85
- "Black, Brown and Khaki: the New Commonwealth Immigrant and HM Forces" in C.Enloe, ed. Armed Forces and Police: conference proceedings, Richardson Institute, Univ. of London,1976, pp.40-69
Research Monographs
- Quarterly Consumption Functions in Israel (with J.M. Fisher),Bank of Israel Special Publication, 1973, Jerusalem (in Hebrew)
- Agriculture in Israel: Development Patterns and Prospects (with S. Pohoryles) Ministry of Agriculture, Tel Aviv ,1977
- The Demand for Technical Manpower in the Israel Chemical Industry (with E. Diamant and P. Avinur) Center for Technological Education,Holon,Israel,1979 (in Hebrew)
Editorial Introductions Articles in Economic Encyclopedias and Research Monographs published since appointed at Bar Ilan
- Guest Editor's Introduction to mini-symposium on "Professional prejudice and discrimination in the history of economic thought" , European Journal of Political Economy, 20, 2004, 1-3
- Editor's Introduction to symposium on "Is there racism in economic research and academia?", European Journal of Political Economy, 21,2005, 753-55
- Editor's Introduction to symposium on "Hayek's Road to Serfdom after sixty years", European Journal of Political Economy, 2005
- "JB Say" in C. Northrup ed. Tariffs and Trade in U.S. History: An Encyclopedia. Westport, Ct: Greenwood Press, 2003.
- "Corn Laws", "Electricity", "Energy" , "Keynes, JM" in C. Northrup, ed., World Trade: A Historical Encyclopedia of Economics, Politics, Society and Culture, ME Sharpe Publishers, Armonk, New York, 2004.
- The Impact of American Jewry on the Israeli Economy , American Jewish Committee and Argov Institute, Bar Ilan University, Israel , July 2001, in Hebrew and English, 55 pages.
Papers Presented at Seminars and Scientific Conferences
- International Conference on the Stockholm School after 50 Years ,Sweden, 1987
- University College, London, Royal Economic Society Seminar,1992
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Seminar,1992
- Chiba University of Commerce, Ichikawa,Japan,1992
- Tinbergen Institute, Erasmus University,Holland,1993
- Claremont Graduate School, California, USA, November 1993
- Duke University History of Thought Seminar, October 1994
- Economic Policy and Political Culture Conference, Feb. 1999
- Duke University and HOPE History of Thought Conference, March 1999
- China Agricultural University Seminar, Beijing, July 2001
- University of Rome Seminar, July 2001
- Patinkin Conference, Lausanne, Sept. 2001
- University of Quebec at Trois Rivieres Conference on Nationalization, Oct. 2001
- Duke University and HOPE History of Thought Conferences, April 2003 and 2004
- Tsiang Memorial Conference, Taipei, June 2004
- Hicks Centenary Conference, Bologna, October 2004
- University of Toronto History of Economics Workshop, February and Oct. 2005
- Fordham Distinguished Seminar Lecturer, February 2005
- International Conference in honor of Prof. T. Negishi, Tokyo, March 2006
- Duke University and HOPE History of Thought Conference, April 2006
- University of Washington Macroeconomics Seminar, Oct. 2006
- USC/UCLA Macroeconomics Seminar, May 2008
- Canadian Economic Association, June 2008
- International Synposium, Perspectives on Keynesian Economics, July 2009
- History and Philosophy of Economics International Workshop, Tel Aviv Univ.,
- Dec. 2010
- University of Trento, March, 2012
- Koc University, May 2013
Details of Invited Papers and Papers Presented at Scientific Conferences
- Tsiang, Meade and Mundell" , published in Conference Proceedings, Tsiang Memorial Conference, CIER, Taiwan, June 2004
- Monetary Dynamics and the Mundell-Fleming Priority Question" (with R. Boyer), Fordham University Distinguished Seminar Lecture, Feb. 2005
- Was Mundell's Work 'Completely Independent' of Fleming's?" (with R. Boyer), presented at Univ. of Toronto History of Economics Workshop, Oct. 2005
- Negishi's Contributions to Economic Theory and Economic Thought", paper presented at International Conference in honor of Prof. T. Negishi, March 2006
- The evolution of the Kydland-Prescott research program: transformation ,recollections and documents "- presented at University of Washington seminar, Oct. 2006, sponsored by Royal Economic Society Research Grant
- "Research on the cumulative effect of financial innovation by Chaos Model", presented at the 2007 Conference on Service Systems and Management (with Guo-wen Han)
- "Kydland-Prescott, Long-Plosser and King-Plosser: development and cross-fertilization, referees and revision", presented at the USC/UCLA Macroeconomics seminar, 9 May, 2008
- "The Origins of a Classic Contribution to the Canadian Journal of Economics" (with R. Boyer), presented at the June 2008 meeting of the Canadian Economic Association
- "IS-LM and the Keynesian revolution", presented at the International Symposium "Perspectives on Keynesian Economics", July 2009
- "The Evolution and Dissemination of 'Freshwater Economics'", presented at History and Philosophy of Economics International Workshop, Tel Aviv Univ., Dec. 2010
- "The Evolution and Dissemination of 'Freshwater Economics'", presented at University of Trento Economics Seminar, March 2012
- "The Evolution and Dissemination of 'Freshwater Economics'", presented at Koc University Seminar, May 2013
Academic Profile
Warren Young
Major Contributions to History of Modern Economics
Books and papers characterize the most important contributions I have made, and also reflects how progress is made in economics and the history of modern economics.
History of the IS-LM Model
Books and Major papers
- Interpreting Mr Keynes: the IS-LM Enigma, Polity-Blackwell, Oxford, England, and Westview Press, USA, 1987, ISBN 0-7456-0405-6; Japanese translation, 1994 published by Taga-Shuppan. Widely reviewed and cited in all History of Economics textbooks since its publication (e.g. Blaug), this book has been described by leading economists and historians of economics as "the standard history of IS-LM".
- "IS-LM: an Inquest" History of Political Economy, 27, 1995, pp. 1-41(with William Darity), reprinted in Sir John Hicks : critical assessments, ed. J. Wood, Routledge, London and New York, 2006.
- Both the 1987 book and 1995 paper have and continue to appear on required reading lists of major universities worldwide in both macro and history of economics courses such as at, Harvard- Kennedy School, Notre Dame, Duke, Illinois State, Birmingham, Hohenheim, Auckland, among other Universities.
- IS-LM and Modern Macroeconomics. Springer-Kluwer Academic Press, 2000, ISBN 0-7923-7966-7 (editor, with B-Z. Zilberfarb)
- "The IS/LM Diagram" in Mark Blaug and Peter Lloyd, eds. Famous Figures and Diagrams in Economics, Edward Elgar Publishers, 2010, pp. 348-355
History of Rational and Implicit Expectations
Books and Major papers
- Economics, Economists and Expectations: microfoundations to macroapplications (with William Darity, Jr. and Robert Leeson) Routledge, London and New York, 2004 , ISBN 0-415-08515-2 .
- "The Early History of Rational and Implicit Expectations", History of Political Economy 33, 2001, pp. 773-813 (with William Darity).
- John Muth, the originator of rational expectations called this paper "a well researched piece of work. Congratulations". This research was supported by the Royal Economic Society.
History of Open Economy Macroeconomics
Major Papers
- "IS-LM-BP: an Inquest" History of Political Economy, 36, 2004, pp. 127-164 (with William Darity)
- "Mundell's International Economics: adaptations and debates" International Monetary Fund Staff Papers 52 (Special Issue) 2005, pp. 160-179 (with R. Boyer).
- "The Mundell-Fleming Diagram" in Mark Blaug and Peter Lloyd, eds. Famous Figures and Diagrams in Economics, Edward Elgar Publishers, 2010 (with Russell Boyer), pp. 356-364
Books (editor)
- The Open Economy Macromodel: past, present and future (editor, with Arie Arnon), Kluwer Academic Press, 2002; ISBN 1-4020-7162-0.
History of the Kydland-Prescott RBC Approach
Real Business Cycle Models in Economics, Routledge, London and NY: 2014 (hardback), 2016 (paperback) ISBN 978-1-138-67450-9
Major Paper
"The evolution of the Kydland-Prescott research program :transformation , recollections and new documents", in The Anti-Keynesian Tradition, ed. R. Leeson, Palgrave-Macmillan, 2008, ISBN 1-4039-4959.
My contribution to the history of the Kydland-Prescott research program has been cited by Edward Prescott in his Nobel Lecture, as published in Journal of Political Economy 114, 2006, p. 203.
This work was supported by the Royal Economic Society.
History of Modern Growth Economics (with Stephen Spear, Carnegie-Mellon University)
This is an ongoing research project the output of which has been a series of papers published in Macroeconomic Dynamics (Cambridge University Press). Papers published, accepted for publication,and in preparation so far:
- "Optimum Savings and Optimal Growth: the Cass-Malinvaud-Koopmans Nexus" Macroeconomic Dynamics, 18, 1, 2014, pp. 215-243 (with S.Spear)
- "Two Sector Growth, Optimal Growth and the Turnpike: amalgamation and metamorphosis", Macroeconomic Dynamics, 19, 2, March 2015 (with S. Spear), 394-424
- "Generalizations of Optimal Growth Theory: Stochastic Models, Mathematics, and Meta-Synthesis" Macroeconomic Dynamics, published online 2016 (with S. Spear)
- "Endogenous Growth Theory and Models: the “First Wave”, 1952–1973", Macroeconomic Dynamics, 2017 [accepted for publication] (with S. Spear)
Papers in Preparation
- "Endogenous and New Growth Theory: the 'Second Wave"" in preparation (with S. Spear)
- This project is sponsored by the Tepper School of Business, Carnegie-Mellon University, where I have been a visiting scholar
History of Modern Economics Panels for Macroeconomic Dynamics (sponsored by the American Economic Association and History of Economics Society)
I have organized three panel sessions, in an ongoing series, for the AEA/HET at ASSA meetings. The panels have been published, and forthcoming in Macroeconomic Dynamics:
- "Rational Expectations: Retrospect and Prospect" (with Kevin Hoover) Macroeconomic Dynamics 17, 5, 2013, pp. 1169-1192
- "Real Business Cycles after Three Decades" Macroeconomic Dynamics 19 ,2, March 2015 (with S. Altug), 425-445
- "Optimal Growth after 50 years" Macroeconomic Dynamics, 2018 (with S. Spear)
Hicksian and Harrodian Economics
Books and Major Papers
- Harrod and his Trade Cycle Group: the origins and development of the growth research program Macmillan, London and New York University Press, USA,1989, ISBN 0-333-47019-2. Robert Solow has written about this book "I was grabbed by it on several levels".
- Oxford Economics and Oxford Economists (with Fred Lee) Macmillan, London, 1993; ISBN 0-333-51362-2
- "Hicks in Reviews, 1932-1989: from Theory of Wages to A Market Theory of Money" in Markets, Money and Capital: Hicksian Economics for the 21st Century (edited by R. Scazzieri, A.K. Sen and S. Zamagni), Cambridge University Press, 2008, pp. 109-126
- "Is IS-LM a Static and Dynamic Keynesian Model ?", in R. Leeson, ed. Archival Insights into the Evolution of Economics, The Keynesian Tradition, Palgrave-Macmillan, 2008, pp. 126-134
Books (editor)
- Perspectives on Keynesian Economics (editor, with Arie Arnon and Jimmy Weinblat), Springer, 2010; ISBN 978-3-642-11408-0
History of General Equilibrium Economics
Major paper
"Negishi's contributions to the Development of Economic Analysis and Research Programs", International Journal of Economic Theory 4 Special Issue on Negishi, 2008, pp. 151-165
Makato Yano, managing editor of the IJET has written "As a special issue editor, as well as managing editor of IJET, I wish to express many thanks for letting us publish your paper. Putting Negishi's contributions beautifully in the context of a history of economic thought, we believe, the paper will add a special value to our Negishi special issue, which consists primarily of theoretical papers".
Economics of Atomic Energy and Natural Resources
Atomic Energy Costing Kluwer-Springer 1998, ISBN 0-7923-8329.
- "Atomic Energy and the Application of Early Models of Technological Change in Economics, 1946-1954", History of Political Economy, 32, 2000, pp. 71- 94 .
- "Atomic Energy: from 'public' to 'private' power- the US, UK and Japan in Comparative Perspective", in 'Nationalisations et denationalisations de l'electricite', Annals Historiques de l'electricite 1, June 2003, pp. 133-153
- "Political Culture, Economic Structure and Policy: the Laffont-Tirole Model Extended to Modern Japan", American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 61, 1, 2002 , pp. 301-326 (with J. Meijhaard)
- Work on the history of Atomic Energy in the US was done with the assistance of Herbert Simon, Nobel Laureate in Economics, and supported by a Royal Economic Society grant
- "Water Use in Agriculture in China: importance, challenges, and implications for policy, Water Policy 3, 2001, pp. 215-228 (with L. Jin)
History of Models of Population Growth (Hume, Malthus, Marx)
Major Papers (with E. Brezis)
- "The New Views on Demographic Transition: A Reassessment of Malthus and Marx's views on Population" European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 10:1, Spring 2003, pp. 25-45 (with E. Brezis)
- "Population and Economic Growth: Ancient and Modern" ,European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 14, 2014 ,pp. 1-27 (with E. Brezis)