Prof. Ziv Hellman

Room 236, Building 504 (S. Daniel Abraham Centre of Economics)
Reception Hours
Via coordination by email
PO Box
Research Categories


    A.B. in Mathematics Princeton University
    M.A. in Mathematics University of California at San Diego
    Ph.D in Mathematics Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Einstein Institute of Mathematics and the Centre for the Study of Rationality)



    Post-Doctoral Fellow

    Tel Aviv University, School of Mathematical Sciences

    Google Scholar Citations

    My Erdős number is 3



    Israel Science Foundation, Individual Researcher Grant 1626/18

    Israel Science Foundation, Individual Researcher Grant 448/22 (joint with Yuval Heller)



    Ilan Nehama

    Itay Kavaler

    Yevgeny Tsodikovich



    Yoav Kashi


    MY CV:




    Common Priors and Uncommon Priors



    1. Run-time architecture for enterprise integration with transformation generation, U.S. Patent 7,146,399 B2 (co-invention)
    2. Method and system for collaborative ontology modelling, U.S. Patent 7,099,885 and European Patent Office Publication No. EP 1,260,916 (co-invention)
    3. Enterprise information unification, U.S. Patent 7,673,282 (co-invention)
    4. Method and system for mapping enterprise data assets to a semantic information model, U.S. Patent 7,877,421 (co-invention)
    5. Run-time architecture for enterprise integration with transformation generation, U.S. Patent 7,930,292 (co-invention)
    6. Method and system for deriving a transformation by referring schema to a central model, European Patent Office Publication EP 1,327,941 (co-invention)

    Translator of the book Game Theory, by Michael Maschler, Eilon Solan, and Shmuel Zamir, Cambridge University Press, 2013



    1. Game Changing Mutation (with Omer Edhan), Royal Society Open Science, forthcoming

    2. Habit Forming Consumers and Firm Dynamics (with Arthur Fishman and Avi Weiss), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 154, September 2023

    3. Charges and Bets: A General Characterisation of Common Priors (with Miklos Pinter), International Journal of Game Theory, 51 (3), (2022), pp. 567–587

    4. Making the Most of Potential: Potential Games and Genotypic Convergence (with Omer Edhan and Ilan Nehama), Royal Society Open Science, 8:210309, August 2021

    5. Equilibria Existence in Bayesian Games: Climbing the Countable Borel Equivalence Relation Hierarchy (with Yehuda Levy), Mathematics of Operations Research, available on-line

    6. Dense Orbits of the Bayesian Updating Group Action (with Yehuda Levy), Mathematics of Operations Research, Published on-line in MOOR Articles in Advance 24 May 2021

    7. A Survey on Entropy and Economic Behaviour (with Ron Peretz), Entropy22(2), 157 (2020) (Special Issue: Information Theory for Control, Games, and Decision Problems)

    8. No Trade and Yes Trade Theorems for Heterogeneous Priors (with Alia Gizatulina), Journal of Economic Theory, 182, (2019) pp. 161-184

    9. Measurable Selection for Purely Atomic Games (with Yehuda Levy), Econometrica, 87 (2), (2019), pp. 593-629

    10. Indexing Gamble Desirability By Extending Proportional Stochastic Dominance (with Amnon Schreiber), Games and Economic Behavior, 109 (2018), pp. 532–543

    11. Values for Cooperative Games over Graphs and Games with Inadmissible Coalitions (with Ron Peretz), Games and Economic Behavior, 108 (2018), pp.22–36 (Special Edition in Memory of Lloyd Shapley)

    12. Bayesian Games With a Continuum of States (with Yehuda Levy), Theoretical Economics, 12 (2017), pp. 1089–1120

    13. Sex with No Regrets (with Omer Edhan and Dana Sherill), Journal of Theoretical Biology, 426 (2017), pp. 67–81

    14. A Game with No Bayesian Approximate Equilibria, Journal of Economic Theory, 153 (2014), pp. 138-151

    15. Countable Spaces and Common Priors, International Journal of Game Theory, 43 (1), (2014), pp. 193-213

    16. Weakly Rational Expectations, Journal of Mathematical Economics, 49 (6), (2013), pp. 496 - 500

    17. Spectrum Value for Coalitional Games (with Mikel Alvarez and Eyal Winter), Games and Economic Behavior, 82 (2013), pp. 132 - 142

    18. Almost Common Priors, International Journal of Game Theory 42 (2), (2013), pp. 399 - 410

    19. How Common are Common Priors (with Dov Samet), Games and Economic Behavior, 74 (2012), pp. 517 - 525

    20. Iterated Expectations, Compact Spaces and Common Priors, Games and Economic Behavior, 72 (2011), pp. 163 - 171

    21. Modeling the Micro-Foundations of Routine Formation (with Amit Gal), Proceedings of the Academy of Management, 1 (2010), pp. 1 - 6

    22. Structural Conflict Avoidance in Collaborative Ontology Engineering (with Amit Gal), Enterprise Systems V, Kluver Academic Publications, (2004), pp. 216 - 225


    Revise and Resubmit

    Mentors and Recombinators: Multi-Dimensional Social Learning (joint with Srinivas Arigapudi, Omer Edhan, and Yuval Heller), R&R at TE


    Working Papers
    • Posteriors are Prior to Priors (joint with Miklos Pinter)



    Game Theory, Rationality, Interactive Epistemology, Evolutionary Theory


    קורס 66-690

    ארגון תעשייתי

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      מטלה שנייה
      מטלה שלישית
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    Last Updated Date : 16/02/2025