Working Papers

The Department of Economics Working Paper Series is published also by RePEc (Research Papers in Economics).

Series coordinator: Prof. Igal Milchtaich

No.. Author/s Date Download

Shmuel Nitzan and Kobi Kriesler

The Effect of Limited Search Ability on the Quality of Competitive Rent-Seeking Clubs 2010-06.pdf

Leonid V. Azarnert

Is Skilled Immigration Always Good for Growth in the Receiving Economy? 2010-05.pdf

Leonid V. Azarnert

Immigration, fertility and human capital: A model of economic decline of the West 2010-04.pdf

Bradley J. Ruffle, Avi Weiss and Amir Etziony

Coordination and Critical Mass in a Network Market: An Experimental Investigation 2010-03.pdf

Osnat Jacobi and Avi Weiss

A Model of Fault Allocation in Contract Law – Moving From Dividing Liability to Dividing Costs 2010-02.pdf

Shaul Almakias and Avi Weiss

The Ultimatum Game and Expected Utility Maximization – In View of Attachment Theory 2010-01.pdf

Igal Milchtaich

Implementability of Correlated and Communication Equilibrium Outcomes in Incomplete Information Games 2009-27.pdf

Albert Bollard, David McKenzie, Melanie Morten and 
Hillel Rapoport

Remittances and the Brain Drain Revisited: The Microdata Show That More Educated Migrants Remit More 2009-26_1.pdf

Frédéric Docquier and 
Hillel Rapoport

Documenting the Brain Drain of «la Crème de la Crème»: Three Case-Studies on International Migration at the Upper Tail of the Education Distribution 2009-25.pdf

Gil S. Epstein and Avi Weiss

The Why, When and How of Immigration Amnesties 2009-24.pdf