Published papers:
Papers Published After Completing PhD
Snir, A., A. Chen, and D. Levy (2022), “Zero-Ending Prices, Cognition, and Price Rigidity,” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 203, 519–542.
Levy D., A. Snir (2022), “Potterian Economics,” Oxford Open Economics 1.
Snir, A., H, Chen, and D. Levy (2021), “Stuck at Zero: Price Rigidity in a Runaway Inflation,” Economic Letters 204, 1–5.
Snir, A., and D. Levy (2021), "If You Think 9-Ending Prices Are Low, Think Again,” Journal of the Association for Consumer Research 6(1), 33–47 (Special Issue on Behavioral Pricing).
Schade, C.S., and A. Snir (2020), “A lab test on the decision not to decide,” Business Research 13(3), 1253–1291.
Levy, D., A. Snir, A. Gotler, and H. Chen (2020), “Not All Price Endings Are Created Equal: Price Points and Asymmetric Price Rigidity,” Journal of Monetary Economics 110, 33–49.
Snir, A., D. Levy, and H. Chen (2017), “End of 9-Endings, Price Recall and Price Perceptions,” Economic Letters 155, 157–163. 5-year Impact Factor: 1.745, Cite Score: 2.1. Number of Citations: 13.
Horenstein, A., D. Osgood, and A. Snir (2017), “Out-of-town Buyers, Mispricing and the Availability Heuristic,” Real Estate Finance 34(1),
Horenstein, A., and A. Snir (2017), "Portfolio Choice in Mexico," Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance 16, 1–13.
Snir, A. (2014), "When choosing to be almost certain of winning can be better than choosing to win with certainty," European Journal of Political Economy 36, 135–146.
Chapters in Edited Volumes
Levy, D., and A. Snir (2010), “Human Capital and Economic Growth in the Potterian Economy,” with D. Levy, in The Law and Harry Potter, F. Snyder and J. Thomas, Eds. (Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press), pp. 211–235.
Papers Published as a Graduate Student
Schnytzer, A., and A. Snir (2008), “Herding in Imperfect Betting Markets with Inside Traders,” Journal of Gambling Business and Economics 2(2), 1–15.
Schnytzer, A., and A. Snir (2008), “SP Betting as a Self Enforcing Implicit Cartel,” with A. Schnytzer, Journal of Gambling Business and Economics 2(1), 45–65.
Snir, A. (2006), “Shifting Paradigms: From Fostering Equality to Building Safety Nets. Analyzing some Consequences of Privatization in the Israeli Kibbutz,” Economic Change and Restructuring 39(1-2), 1–18.
Zilberfarb, B., M. Krausz, and A. Snir (2006), “Optimism and Business Cycles in the Israeli Economy, 1997–2004,” Studies in Banking 17, 95–115 (in Hebrew).