Dynamic Screening

David Lagziel, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
05/04/2022 - 13:00 - 11:30Add To Calendar 2022-04-05 11:30:00 2022-04-05 13:00:00 Dynamic Screening We study dynamic screening problems where elements are subjected to noisy evaluations and, in every stage, some of the elements are rejected while the remaining ones are independently re-evaluated in subsequent stages. We prove that, ceteris paribus, the quality of a dynamic screening process is not monotonic in the number of stages. Specifically,  we examine the accepted elements' values and show that adding a single stage to a screening process may produce inferior results, in terms of stochastic dominance, whereas increasing the number of stages substantially leads to a first-best outcome. Joint work with Ehud Lehrer Links to the paper, the seminar recording, and the slides. BIU Economics common room and will be Zoomed on https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82536086839 אוניברסיטת בר-אילן - Department of Economics Economics.Dept@mail.biu.ac.il Asia/Jerusalem public
BIU Economics common room and will be Zoomed on https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82536086839

We study dynamic screening problems where elements are subjected to noisy evaluations and, in every stage, some of the elements are rejected while the remaining ones are independently re-evaluated in subsequent stages.

We prove that, ceteris paribus, the quality of a dynamic screening process is not monotonic in the number of stages.

Specifically,  we examine the accepted elements' values and show that adding a single stage to a screening process may produce inferior results, in terms of stochastic dominance, whereas increasing the number of stages substantially leads to a first-best outcome.

Joint work with Ehud Lehrer

Links to the paper, the seminar recording, and the slides.

Last Updated Date : 15/05/2022