Professor Emeritus Shoshana Neuman

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תחומי מחקר
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    1966-1970: B.A., Economics and Mathematics, Bar-Ilan University
    1970-1971 : Teacher's Diploma, Mathematics, Bar-Ilan University
    1971-1973 : M.A., Economics, Bar-Ilan University
    1980-1983 : Ph.D., Economics, Bar-Ilan University
    Thesis title: The Cost of Time Devoted to Religious Activity Supervisors: Prof. J. Paroush and Prof. A. Ziderman

    Professional Experience

    Academic Experience

    2007 - Present: Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, Bar-Ilan University
    1994-2007: Associate Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, Bar-Ilan University
    1992-1993: Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Economics, The University of British Columbia, Canada
    1991-1992 : Distinguished Visiting Israeli Professor, Lipinski Institute and Department of Economics, San-Diego State University
    1990-1994 : Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics, Bar-Ilan University
    1986-1990 : Lecturer, Department of Economics, Bar-Ilan University
    1983-1986 : Instructor-Doctor, Department of Economics, Bar-Ilan University

    Editorial Positions

    2001 - Present Associate Editor, Review of Economics of the Household, Kluwer Academic Publications

    Research Fellow

    1999 - Present Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), Bonn, Germany
    1996 - Present The Center for Economic Research Policy (CEPR), London, England

    Organizer of International Conferences

    2009 : Second International Workshop on Gender Economics (with P. Branas- Garza, S. de La Rica and J. Dolado), Granada, Spain, June 29-30
    2007 : First ENER (European Network on the Economics of Religion) International Workshop (with G. Heineck and D. Voas), Granada, Spain, November 16-17
    1999 : International Workshop (with the participation of ten European countries) on: Labour Demand, Education and the Dynamics of Social Exclusion, Bar-Ilan University, November 21-22
    1992 : Eighth Annual Glickman-Galinson Symposium: "Immigration, Past and Present", Lipinsky Institute, San-Diego State University, April 26-27
    1991 : International Workshop on the Economics of Discrimination and Segregation (with J. Silber), Bar-Ilan University, June 3-4

    Selected Professional Activities

    2005 - Present Member, national group of experts on: Alternative Labor Market Measures, The Public Advisory Council for Statistics-Israel
    2002 - 2005 Chairperson, Department of Economics, Bar-Ilan University
    2000 - Present Member, several committees of the Higher Education Council (Malag) to approve new tracks and programs in Israeli colleges
    2000 - Present Evaluator, The Fifth and the Sixth Framework of the European Union
    1998 - Present Member of several Steering Committees of the Israeli Central Bureau Bureau of Statistics
    1995 - 1997 Vice-chair, Department of Economics, Bar-Ilan University
    1994 - 1995 Director, Board of Directors, United Mizrahi Bank
    1994 - 2005 Scientific Coordinator for the Department of Economics, Research Authority, Bar-Ilan University
    1993 - 1997 Director, The Economics Research Institute, Bar-Ilan University
    1988 Consultant - World Bank, Population and Human Resources Department

    Refereeing Journals


    1. Applied Economics
    2. Comparative Education Review
    3. Economic Development and Cultural Change
    4. Economic Inquiry
    5. European Economic Review
    6. European Journal of Political Economy
    7. Feminist Economics
    8. Industrial and Labor Relations Review
    9. International Journal of Manpower
    10. Journal of Economic Inequality
    11. Journal of Human Resources
    12. Journal of Labor Economics
    13. Journal of Political Economy
    14. Review of Economics of the Household
    15. The World Bank Economic Review


    1. The Israel Science Foundation
    2. United States-Israel Bi-national Agricultural Research and Development Fund
    3. United States-Israel Bi-national Science Foundation

    Scientific Evaluation Committees

    1. Ministry of Science and Technology (Chief Scientist)
    2. Israel Science Foundation (Academia)

    University Committees

    2001-2003 : Admissions Committee
    1998-2002 : Academic Director of Economic Studies, Bar-Ilan Extension Colleges
    1998-1999 : Head of Status Committee
    1997-1998 : Students' Appeals Committee for the Disciplinary Committee
    1993-1995 : University Senate (Senior Lecturers' representative)
    1993-1997 : Faculty Committee for the Advancement of Research
    1991-1997 : Grants and Scholarships Committee
    1989-1991 : Social Sciences Library Committee

    Courses Taught

    1. The Economics of Human Resources (graduate)
    2. Seminar in Labor Economics (undergraduate and graduate)
    3. Labor Economics (undergraduate and graduate)
    4. Women in the Economy
    5. Principles of Economics: Microeconomics
    6. Principles of Economics: Macroeconomics
    7. Statistics (introductory and intermediate)
    8. Econometrics
    9. Comparative Economic Systems
    10. Theory of the Firm
    11. Industrial Organization
    12. Calculus
    13. Linear Algebra

    Guest Editor

    Special issue of the Journal of Econometrics on "The Econometrics of Labor Market Segregation and Discrimination" (with J. Silber), Vol. 61, 1994. Special issue of Research on Economic Inequality, devoted to "The Economics of Segregation and Discrimination" (with J. Silber), Vol. 5, 1994.

    Chapters in Books

    1. "Compensating Differentials in Marriage and Married Women's Labor Supply" (with S. Grossbard-Shechtman), in: S. Grossbard-Shechtman, On the Economics of Marriage, Boulder Colorado: Westview Press, pp. 133-141, 1993.
    2. "A Study of Spousal Help Among Israeli Managers" (with S. Grossbard-Shechtman and D.N. Izraeli), in: S. Grossbard-Shechtman, On the Economics of Marriage, Boulder Colorado: Westview Press, pp. 272-289, 1993.
    3. "Religiosity and Investments in Spousal Productivity" (with S. Grossbard-Shechtman), in: S. Grossbard-Shechtman, On the Economics of Marriage, Boulder Colorado: Westview Press, pp. 290-302, 1993.
    4. "Ethnic Occupational Segregation: Measurement and Its Impact on Income Differentials" (with J. Silber), in: J. Creedy, (ed.), Taxation, Poverty and Income Distribution, Publisher: Edward Elgar, pp. 220-237, 1994.
    5. "Paid Employment and the Marriage Market" (with S. Grossbard-Shechtman) in: Shoshana Grossbard-Shechtman (ed.), Marriage and the Economy, Cambridge University Press, pp. 222-247, 2003.
    6. "Gender versus Ethnic Wage Differentials in Israel", in: A. Maor. (ed.) Affirmative Action in Israel, Ramot: Tel-Aviv University Press, pp. 301-314, 2004. In Hebrew.
    7. "Aliya to Israel: Immigration under Conditions of Adversity", in: Klaus Zimmermann (ed.) European Migration: What Do We Know? Oxford University Press, pp. 459-506, 2005.
    8. "Secularization and Fertility: Evidence for Spain" (with P. Branas-Garza), in: Demographic Economics Research Perspectives, New York: Nova Science Publishers, forthcoming.

    Refereed Journal Articles

    1. "Do Universities Maintain Common Standards in Awarding First Degrees with Distinction? The Case of Israel" (with A. Ziderman), Higher Education, Vol. 14, pp. 447-459, 1985.
    2. "Testing the Dual Labor Market Hypothesis: Evidence from the Israel Labor Mobility Survey" (with A. Ziderman), The Journal of Human Resources, Vol. 21, pp. 230-237, 1986.
    3. "Religious Observance in a Human Capital Framework: Theory and Applications", Applied Economics, pp. 1193-1203, 1986.
    4. "Economic Behavior, Marriage and Religiosity" (with A. Grossbard-Shechtman), Journal of Behavioral Economics, Vol. 15, pp. 71-86, Spring/Summer 1986.
    5. "Time Allocation to Religious Activity", Studies in Israel's Economy 1982, 1984, pp. 221-230, The Israeli Economic Association, Jerusalem, 1986. In Hebrew.
    6. "How Does Fertility Relate to Religiosity: Survey Evidence from Israel" (with A. Ziderman), Sociology and Social Research, January 1986.
    7. "Dynamic Variation in Land Prices: Palestine, 1900-1914" (with Y. Katz), Studies in Israel's Economy 1986, pp. 139-154, The Israeli Economic Association, Jerusalem, 1988. In Hebrew.
    8. "Women's Labor Supply and Marital Choice" (with S.A. Grossbard-Shechtman), Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 96, pp. 1294-1304, December 1988.
    9. "Intergenerational Effects on Fertility: Theory and Evidence from Israel" (with L. Danziger), Journal of Population Economics, Vol. 2, pp. 25-37, 1989.
    10. "Vocational Schools Can be More Cost Effective than Academic Schools: The Case of Israel" (with A. Ziderman), Comparative Education, Vol. 25(2), pp. 151-163, 1989.
    11. "Earnings and Ethnic Origin: The Effect of Wife's Ethnic Origin on Husband's Earnings" (with S.A. Grossbard-Shechtman), Studies in Israel's Economy 1988, pp. 39-51, The Israeli Economic Association, Jerusalem, 1989. In Hebrew.
    12. "The Economic Cost of Strikes in Israel: An Input-Output Approach" (with A. Ziderman), Studies in Israel's Economy 1988, pp. 53-67, The Israeli Economic Association, Jerusalem, 1989. In Hebrew.
    13. "Agricultural Land Transactions in Palestine, 1900-1914: A Quantitative Analysis" (with Y. Katz), Explorations in Economic History, Vol. 27, pp. 29-45, 1990.
    14. "Vocational Schooling, Occupational Matching and Labor Market Earnings in Israel" (with A. Ziderman), The Journal of Human Resources, Vol. 16(2), pp. 256-281, 1991.
    15. "Cross-Productivity Effects of Education and Origin on Earnings: Are They Really Reflecting Productivity?" (with S.A. Grossbard-Shechtman), in: R. Frantz, H. Singh and J. Gerber (eds.), Handbook of Behavioral Economics, Vol. 2A, pp. 125-145. Greenwich: JAI Press, 1991.
    16. "Occupational Sex Segregation in the Kibbutz: Principles and Practice", Kyklos, Vol. 44(2), pp. 203-219, 1991.
    17. "Socioeconomic Background and Returns to Schooling and to Marriage: The Case of Israel", Applied Economics, Vol. 23(8), pp. 1325-1334, 1991.
    18. "The Marriage Market and Occupational Sex Segregation: A 'New Home Economics' Approach," The Journal of Socio-Economics, Vol. 20(4), pp. 347-358, 1991.
    19. "Benefits of Women's Education within Marriage: Results for Israel in a Dual Labor Market Context" (with A. Ziderman), Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol. 40(2), pp. 413-424, 1992.
    20. "Equality and Fertility in the Kibbutz" (with L. Danziger), Journal of Population Economics, Vol. 4(2), pp. 413-424, 1993.
    21. "When Do Spouses Support a Career? A Human Capital Analysis of Israeli Managers and Their Spouses" (with S.A. Grossbard-Shechtman and D. Izraeli), The Journal of Socio-Economics, Vol. 23 (1/2), pp. 149-169, 1994.
    22. "The Econometrics of Labor Market Segregation and Discrimination: Editors' Introduction" (with J. Silber), Journal of Econometrics, Vol. 61, pp. 1-4, 1994.
    23. "The Economics of Labor Market Segregation and Discrimination: Editors' Introduction" (with J. Silber), Research on Economic Inequality, Vol. 5, pp. 9-15, 1994.
    24. "Ethnic Occupational Segregation in Israel", Research on Economic Inequality, Vol. 5, pp. 125-151, 1994.
    25. "Education and Earnings: Methodological Considerations and Two Israeli Case-Studies", Education et Recherche, special issue, pp. 55-77, 1995.
    26. "On Effects of Schooling Vintage on Experience-Earnings Profiles: Theory and Evidence" (with A. Weiss), European Economic Review, Vol. 39, pp. 943-955, 1995.
    27. "Wage Discrimination across Ethnic Groups: Evidence from Israel" (with J. Silber), Economic Inquiry, Vol. 34(4), pp. 648-661, 1996.
    28. "Women's Quest for Occupational Equality: The Case of Agricultural Female Workers in Pre-State Israel" (with Y. Katz), Rural History: Economy, Society, Culture, Vol. 7(1), 33-52, 1996.
    29. "The Extra Burden of Moslem Wives: Clues from Israeli Women's Labor Supply" (with S. Grossbard-Shechtman), Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol. 46, pp. 491-517, 1998.
    30. "Gender Wage Differentials and Discrimination Among Israeli Managers" (with J. Weisberg), International Journal of Manpower, Vol. 19(3), pp. 161-170, 1998.
    31. "Occupational Segregation in Israel: The Gender-Ethnicity Interaction", International Journal of Manpower, Vol. 19(8), pp. 571-590, 1998.
    32. "Vocational Education in Israel: Wage Effects of Voced, Occupation and the Voced- occupation Match" (with A. Ziderman), The Journal of Human Resources, Vol. 34(2), pp. 407-420, 1999.
    33. "On the Age of Marriage: Theory and Evidence from Jews and Moslems in Israel" (with L. Danziger), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol. 40, pp. 179-193, 1999.
    34. "Can Vocational Education Improve the Wages of Minorities and Disadvantaged Groups: The Case of Israel" (with A. Ziderman), Economics of Education Review, Vol. 22(4), pp. 421-432, 2003.
    35. "Gender Versus Ethnic Wage Differentials Among Professionals: Evidence from Israel" (with R. L. Oaxaca), Annales d'Economie et de Statistique, Vol. 71-72, pp. 267-292, 2003.
    36. "Analyzing Religiosity Within an Economic Framework: The Case of Spanish Catholics" (with P. Branas-Garza), Review of Economics of the Household, Vol. 2, pp. 5-22, 2004.
    37. "Wage Decompositions with Selectivity Corrected Wage Equations: A Methodological Note" (with R. L. Oaxaca), Journal of Economic Inequality, Vol. 2(1), pp. 3-10, 2004.
    38. "Delays in Renewal of Labor Contracts: Theory and Evidence" (with L. Danziger), Journal of Labor Economics, Vol. 23(2), pp. 341-372, 2005.
    39. "Wage Differentials in the 1990s in Israel: Endowments, Discrimination, and Selectivity" (with R. L. Oaxaca), International Journal of Manpower, Vol. 26(3), pp. 217-236, 2005.
    40. "Is Fertility indeed Related to Religiosity?" Population Studies, forthcoming.
    41. "Parental Religiosity and Daughters' Fertility: The Case of Catholics in Southern Europe"(with P. Branas-Garza), Review of Economics of the Household, forthcoming.
    42. "Religious Beliefs and Practice: Spanish Facts" (with P. Branas-Garza), International Review of Sociology, Vol. 66(1), pp. 33-45, 2008 (in Spanish).
    43. "Reference-Dependent Preferences and Loss Aversion - A Discrete Choice Experiment in the Health-Care Sector" (with E. Neuman), Judgment and Decision Making, Vol. 3(2), pp. 162-173, 2008.
    44. "Agency in Health- Care: Are Medical Care-Givers Perfect Agents?" (with E. Neuman), Applied Economic Letters, forthcoming.
    45. "The Big Carrot: High-Stakes Incentives Revisited" (with P. Branas-Garza and T. Garcia-Munoz), Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, forthcoming.
    46. "Explorations of the Effect of Experience on Preferences for a Health-Care Service" (with T. Neuman and E. Neuman), Journal of Socio Economics, Vol. 39, pp. 407-419, 2010.
    47. "Wage Mobility in Israel: The Effect of Sectoral Concentration" (with A.R. Cardoso and A. Ziderman), Journal of Labor Research, Vol. 31(2), pp. 146-161, 2010.

    Research Grants and Awards (since 1994)

    2001-2004: The European Commission Fifth Framework. Project title: Towards a New Organization of Men's Lives - Emerging Forms of Work and Opportunities for Gender Equality. Leader of the Israeli Team.
    2000: Arc-en-Ciel (Keshet) joint program of the Israeli and French Governments on: Immigrants in Israel: Wages and Mobility (with J. Deutsch and J. Silber)
    1999-2000 : The Pinhas Saphir Center for Development, grant for a project on: Gender Wage Differentials (with A. Ziderman)
    1998-2000 : Project funded by the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics on: Intermittent Labor Force Participation (with A. Ziderman)
    1998-2001 : The EU Fourth Framework TSER Program - project title: Labour Demand, Education and the Dynamics of Social Exclusion. Coordinated by the Center for Economic Policy Research. Leader of the Israeli team
    1995, 1996 : Arc-en-Ciel (Keshet) joint program of the Israeli and French Governments on: Youth Employment and Gender Discrimination. A joint project with the University of Aix-Marseille in France (with J. Deutsch and J. Silber)
    1994 : Faculty Enrichment Award, Department of External Affairs, Ottawa, Canada

    Labor Economics, Economics of Human Resources

    Main Research Interests

    • Economics of Human Resources; Labor Economics; Economics of Education;
    • Economics of the Household; Behavioral Economics; Health Economics; Economics of Religion

    Presentations at Conferences (since 1991)

    • "Gender and Ethnic Segregation in Israel and in the Kibbutz," presented at the International Workshop on the Economics of Discrimination and Segregation, Bar-Ilan University, June 3-4, 1991.
    • "Equality and Fertility in the Kibbutz" (with L. Danziger), The Annual Meeting of The European Society of Population Economics (ESPE), Pisa, Italy, June 6-9, 1991.
    • "Academic Versus Vocational High School Education: A Cost-Benefit Analysis" (with A. Ziderman), presented at the Ninth Scientific Conference of the Israeli Association for Research in Education, Bar-Ilan University, June 18-19, 1991.

    • "Separating the Human Capital Component in Wage Comparisons" (with J. Silber), presented at the Fourth Annual International Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, The University of California, Irvine, California, March 27-29, 1992.
    • "Occupational Segregation in Israel: The Gender-Ethnicity Interaction", presented at the Population Association of America Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, April 30-May 2, 1992.

    • "Discrimination, Segregation and Wage Differentials" (with J. Silber), presented at the 68th Annual Conference of the Western Economic Association, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, June 20-24, 1993.
    • "Gender Versus Ethnicity in Occupational Segregation", presented at the Second Conference on Feminist Economics of the International Association for Feminist Economics, The American University, Washington, DC, August 6-8, 1993.
    • "The Significance of Socio-Political Determinants of Land Prices: The Case of Palestine at the Beginning of the Century" (with Y. Katz), presented at the International Conference on Regional Development: The Challenge of the Frontier, The Dead Sea, Israel, December 27-30, 1993.

    • "Education and Earnings: Methodological Considerations and Two Israeli Case-Studies", presented at an International Conference on: Contributions of the Economics of Education to the Evaluation of Education Systems, the Swiss National Science Foundation, Bern, Switzerland, February 8, 1994 .
    • "An Economic Analysis of Religion-Based Differences in Women's Labor Force Participation - The Case of Israel" (with S. Grossbard-Schechtman), presented at the Meetings of the Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics Conference on Integrating Views on Economic Behavior, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, July 10-13, 1994.

    • "An Analysis of Religion-Based Differences in Israeli Women's Labor Force Participation - Implications for Religious Differences in Marriage" (with S. Grossbard-Schechtman), presented at the Meetings of the Population Association of America, San Francisco, California, April 4-5, 1995.
    • "Gender versus Ethnic Wage Differentials Among Professionals in Israel", presented at the 15th Arne Ryde Symposium on The Economics of Gender and the Family, Rungstedgaard, Denmark, August 18-19, 1995 (invited).
    • "Wage Differentials Across Ethnic Groups: Methodological Considerations and an Illustration for Professionals in Israel", presented at the MedCampus International Conference on Poverty, Discrimination and Social Policy, Rabat, Morocco, September 7-9, 1995.


    "Estimating Labor Market Discrimination with Selectivity Corrected Wage Equations", presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Socioeconomics, the University of Geneva, Geneva, July 12-14, 1996.


    "The Absorption of Immigrants from the Former USSR in the Labor Market," presented at the European Association of Labour Economists, the Aarhus School of Business, Aarhus, Denmark, September 25-28, 1997.

    • "Income Inequality and Redistributive Policies in Israel", presented at the International Conference on the Welfare State at Century's End: Current Dilemmas and Possible Futures, Tel-Aviv University, January 5-7, 1998.
    • "Estimating Labour Market Discrimination", presented at the International Conference on Migration and Development, organized by the European Science Foundation, Espinho, Portugal, April 21-26, 1998 (invited).
    • "Correcting for Selectivity in Estimating Wage Equations" (with R.L. Oaxaca), presented at the CEPR Symposium on Labour Economics, Gerzensee, Switzerland, September 7-12, 1998 (invited).
    • "Patterns of Wage Differentials Between Immigrants and Natives in Israel", presented at the CEPR Conference on Metropolitan Economic Performance, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, October 29-30, 1998 (invited).


    "Vocational Education: Can it Improve Labour Market Performance of the Disadvantaged - The Case of Israel" (with A. Ziderman), presented at the CEPR/TSER Workshop on: Labour Demand, Education and the Dynamics of Social Exclusion, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, November 21-22, 1999.

    • Organizer and Chair of a session on "Women in the Labor Market" and Presenter of "Selectivity Corrected Wage Equations: Methodology and Evidence from Israel" (with R.L. Oaxaca), The Meetings of the Israeli Economic Association, Jerusalem, June 1, 2000.
    • "Delays in Renewal of Labor Contracts: Methodology and Evidence" (with L. Danziger), International Workshop in Labour Economics, University of Warwick, July 10-21, 2000 (invited).


    "Labor Contracts in Israel: Theory and Data" (with L. Danziger), European Summer Symposium in Labor Economics, Buch, Germany, April 24-29, 2001 (invited).


    "Gender Versus Ethnic Wage Differentials among Professionals - Methodological Considerations and Evidence from Israel" (with R.L. Oaxaca), International Conference on Discrimination and Unequal Outcomes, Le-Mans, France, January 16-20, 2002 (invited).


    "Wage Structures in the 1990s in Israel" (with R.L. Oaxaca), Third Forum of Euro- Mediterranean Economic Institutes, Marseille, France, December 4-6, 2003 (invited).


    "Does Institutional Concentration and Regulation Lead to Low wage Mobility and Less Interrupted Employment?- The Case of the Banking Sector in Israel", International Conference on The Economics of Labor Market Relations, Bergen, Norway, May 12-13, 2006 (invited).


    "The Banking Sector in Israel: Employment, Wage Inequality and Wage Mobility:1988-1995", The Israeli Economic Association, May, 30, 2007. "Unravelling Secularization: An International Study" (with P. Branas-Garza and T. Garcia-Munoz), 1st ENER International Workshop, Granada, Spain, November 16-17, 2007.


    "What are Regression coefficients Telling Us?", 2nd International Workshop on Gender Economics, Granada, Spain, June 29-30 (invited keynote speaker).

    Last Updated Date : 12/05/2022