Dr. Benjamin Willem de Vries


    Courses taught

    • Market research
    • European Economic History
    • Introduction to Economic History
    • Modern Economic History
    קורות חיים

    Professional Address:

    Department of Economics

    52900 Ramat Gan


    Phone number: 972-3-531 8943

    Fax number: 972-3-535 3180

    E-mail: benan@netvision.net.il

    Personal Details:

    Born June 24, 1923. Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    Citizenship: Israeli and Dutch

    Married with Annemarie Broekhuijsen

    3 children, 10 grandchildren

    Aliya (emigration to Israel) 1957


    1956 Ph.D. in Economics UVA

    University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands with high honours Thesis: "De Nederlandse Papiernijverheid in de 19de Eeuw".

    1951 M.A. in Economics UVA

    University of Amsterdam Dissertation: "Guaranteed Wage System"

    1948 B.A. in Economics UVA

    University of Amsterdam

    Academic Experience


    Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel


    Member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences


    Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel


    Lecturer, Business Administration, Tel Aviv University

    Other Activities


    Adjunct Director Export Market Research Department, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Israel


    Israel Export Institute, Tel Aviv


    Nesher Cement Works, Haifa, Israel


    Assistant Director Hollandsche Papier Industrie NV, Amsterdam, The Netherlands


    Assistant Account Executive, Lintas, Unilever, Rotterdam, The Netherlands


    Farmhand during German occupation of The Netherlands in W.W. II



    1. Contributions on Economic History in various Encyclopaedia's
    2. Reports on behalf of Israel's Ministry of Industry and Trade on markets and marketing problems in various countries
    3. De Nederlandse Papiernijverheid in de 19de eeuw, 's-Gravenhage, 1957 (with English summary)
    4. Some notes on wind- and watermills in Israel, 1962
    5. A Corner of Jewish Economic History: Activities of Jews in the Dutch Textile Industry of the 19th century, Jerusalem 1984
    6. Jews opting for Industry: some achievements of a Minority in the Industrialization in The Netherlands; Bar Ilan Discussion Paper, Ramat Gan, 1984;
    7. From Pedlars to Textile Barons, the Economic Development of a Jewish Minority Group in The Netherlands, Amsterdam, 1989
    8. Genealogy of M.E. de Vries and B.W, de Vries, Tel Aviv, 1990 (together with twin brother)
    9. Ashkenazi Cholent and Spanish Pepper. The colourful Ancestry of Annemarie de Vries-Broekhuijsen, Tel Aviv, 1994
    10. Of Mettle and Metal. From Court Jews to world-wide Industrialists, Amsterdam, 2000
    11. Remi: Portrait of a young Dutch Jew in the Holocaust, Herzliyya 2003
    12. David's Diary.Memoirs of a Jewish family during the German occupation of the Netherlands.2008
    13. David’s Diary. Memoirs of a Jewish family during the German occupation of the Netherlands, 2008
    14. From mercenary to prominent Entrepreneur in the pre-industrial Netherlands, a Case History. 2013
    15. Remembering Two Aunts in the Holocaust.(Forthcoming)

    Economic History


    Courses taught

    • Market research
    • European Economic History
    • Introduction to Economic History
    • Modern Economic History

    Last Updated Date : 07/06/2022