Working Papers

The Department of Economics Working Paper Series is published also by RePEc (Research Papers in Economics).

Series coordinator: Prof. Igal Milchtaich

No.. Author/s Date Download

Daniel Levy, Haipeng (Allan) Chen, Sourav Ray and Mark Bergen

Asymmetric Price Adjustment in the Small: An Implication of Rational Inattention 8-04.pdf

Mark Bergen, Daniel Levy, Sourav Ray, Paul H. Rubin and Benjamin Zeliger

When Little Things Mean a Lot: On the Inefficiency of Item Pricing Laws 6-04.pdf

Andrew T. Young,Daniel Levy and Matthew J. Higgins

Many Types of Human Capital and Many Roles in U.S. Growth: Evidence from County-Level Educational Attainment Data 5-04.pdf

Ravi Kanbur and Hillel Rapoport

Migration Selectivity and the Evolution of Spatial Inequality 4-04.pdf

David Mckenzie and Hillel Rapoport

Network Effects and the Dynamics of Migration and Inequality: Theory and Evidence from Mexico 3-04.pdf

Daniel Levy and Andrew T. Young

"The Real Thing:" Nominal Price Rigidity of the Nickel Coke, 1886-1959 2-04.pdf

Andrew T. Young, Matthew J. Higgins, and Daniel Levy

Heterogeneity in Convergence Rates and Income Determination across U.S. States: Evidence from County-Level Data 1-04.pdf

Mark Bergen, Shantanu Dutta, Daniel Levy, Mark Ritson, and Mark J. Zbaracki

Shattering the Myth of Costless Price Changes: Emerging Perspectives on Dynamic Pricing 9-03.pdf

Ruth Ben-Yashar and Igal Milchtaich

First and Second Best Voting Rules in Committees 8-03.pdf

Mark J. Zbaracki, Mark Ritson, Daniel Levy, Shantanu Dutta, and Mark Bergen

Managerial and Customer Costs of Price Adjustment: Direct Evidence from Industrial Markets 7-03.pdf